而经由“绿色空间”所引申出来的“不尽的怀思”,则是一语双关。其一,如上所述,是面对日益遭受污染和缩小的岭南绿色田园,缅怀往日葱翠、洁净、透明的生态空间;其二,是对我的艺术伴侣 、今年(2013年)才离世的妻子的无限追思。我笔下的绿色空间,正蕴含着她一贯以来对我的艺术事业全力支持的精神,以及她对美好的故园风物的怀恋之情。
When the age of digital came, the form of our society and living changed fundamentally. The speed of websites accelerated indicated that the world of high tech invaded and altered the rhythm of our lives. Such kind of development and changes always bewildered us and made us lost in nowhere. Facing such pressure, people showed a sense of reluctance. Without any doubt, technologies turned over a new leaf for a high quality of life. But the price for this is to upset the balance and ability of innovations in our traditional lives, plus the diminishing of natural resources and the beauty of our environment. At the time people enjoying the fruit of high tech, we should always look back to our lost world of natural beauty, harmonic and poetic life of simplicity.
When I came back from New York a couple of years ago, I went to the delta of River Pearl, Zhongshan and Dongguan for field studies and collected a lot of ideas. I left this homeland for more than thirty years. For an artist who was born and raised here, every change, including the environment and way of living, made a huge impact on me visually and deeply touched my heart. The water-filled paddy fields were replaced by factories or living quarters of different styles. The network of highways linked the delta area into an economic unit. We could no longer enjoy the ease and relax feelings of small boat crossing the rivers the same way as we were young. Of course, people get rich through such rapid change of economic development. The fear of poverty is a long forgotten memory. But the price of industrialization and urbanization of such rural area was huge: we lost our green land and replaced by pollution. Even though the concept of environmental protection was introduced and developed, we had already lost the beauty of our natural environment and they would never come back again. The memories of playing within the green surroundings with fresh air were overwhelmed by the grey hue of dusty scenery.
All in all, the quantity of urbanization was limited to the area along those busy traffic networks. The beautiful green areas of southern China, fresh fruit and vegetable of all seasons from the delta of Pearl River still remain as attractive as usual. Imagine the bananas, laichees, papayas and other local fruits, small boats under the shade of the trees by the water, the shadows of houses along the river bank; all reminds me of my unforgettable homeland. Such pictures mixed with what I see now in my mind. Even though the banana trees are not as green as usual, the water is not as clear as the time when I was young, the pollution of water and air and other deficit won’t minimize my feeling of love towards my homeland. On the contrary, I have the feeling of putting them down on my painting canvases again. The urge of such creation derives not only from the love of homeland, but more importantly, from the eyes of an artist who left his homeland and culture for more than thirty years and wandered around in the Western art world. The scenic areas I observed in the Southern China created a brand new mixture of the sense and feeling of the Eastern and the reasoning of the Western world. Without such foundation ofa new vision,using a simple way of recording the beauty ofnatural scenery would be meaningless. The works will miss the true philosophy of art itself.
Such new vision was expressed in three levels: Firstly, it looks through the lens of personal perceptions and confirmed the focus of the painted objects. It doesn’t care about if some blind spots were discovered by the observers or not, but on those easily missed common things. But it needs the artist to depict, compose and capture them. Eventually, it expresses the concepts created by the author. It can be a close-up shot, a partial section, or spacious area covers a new section by different elements of painting. Secondly, Green is the main hue and spirit of Southern China, but it is one of the most difficult colors to manipulate. The artists of the Western world developed vast platform for the use of green. When I stayed in the States, I researched, studied and acuminated a lot of experiences so that I could fully utilize and elaborate the functions and uniqueness of the greenness of Southern China. The most attractive part is the feelings of water vapor and warm spaces of green that shines in the reflections under the sun. It gives us the feeling of freshness and transparency. Thirdly, contemporary realistic style artists’ personal concepts don’t rely simply on the form toscaffolding and express. Rather, they make use of true observations to understand and analyze the self-nature of the materials, in order to overpass the traditions painting languages and techniques to elaborate those topics from the long line of history. Then, place it onto the modern world. This should be the challenges and importance of contemporary artists’ creations.
The title “Green Space” shows not only the nature and spirit of my works, but an expectation of environmental protection. The recent works of scenic and landscape paintings of Southern China displaced a space of fresh, transparent, tranquil and uncontaminated environment. Although I deliberately picked the river ways and farm lands of the delta of Pearl River as my target,I also preserved the scenic of the naturalenvironment, especially the local characteristics for my paintings. But the kind of crystal clear and airy feeling, plus the brightness clearness free from dust and smog, they showed the transparent feelings even though with the humid style of weather in Southern China. It couldn’t be found in the real world. Even so, it brings a cozy feeling and reminds us that we had a happy time playing in the fields. That is the natural feelings that people expected. My works are in realistic style. But there is a kind of surrealistictouch hidden inside. It clings to the love of uncontaminated environment. This may be the utopia that people are searching for nowadays. If people can find tranquility, natural beauty and free of urban bustle in my works, I am reaching not only the level of pure artist but share the valuable natural beauty of the real world with my audiences. This is the true and deeper meanings of the title “Green Space”, which features a series of paintings that depicting vivid sceneries in southern China.
Further developed from the “Green Space” is an idea of “Infinite Memories”. Actually there are two folds of meaning of such memories: firstly as described above, we are facing the pollution and diminishing of the green fields of Southern China. We deeply cherish the fresh green, purity and almost transparent habitat; secondly, my memory goes to my beloved wife who passed away lately. The Green Space under my brushes remains the spirits of support and the everlasting memories of the beautiful hometown from her.
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